Tailgate Detector and People Counter       

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People sensing and access control.The Tailgate Detector is an anti-tailgating solution that provides an additional security layer to existing access control systems and allowing for:

‧Enhanced security
‧Security staff support and optimization
‧Configurable security alarms

Based on 3D MLI Sensor™ technology, the Tailgate Detector works with security systems by intercepting the signal emitted from the ID reader and determining the status of the access point (open/closed door). The sensor then establishes whether or not a single individual is attempting access and, in the event of dual or unauthorized access, provides the necessary output by locking the door or triggering an alarm. With an accuracy level of more than 99%, the Tailgate Detector is available in two varieties:

‧TDflex™: for tailgate detection at single-door access points – for example swinging or sliding doors, virtual/no doors and optical or mechanical turnstiles.
‧TDtrap™: tailgate detection at two-door transfer gates – for example mantraps and airlocks.

M1 TDflex™
‧The prevents tailgating by allowing only one person at a real time access through mantrap, transfer gates and airlock.
M1 TDtrap™
‧The prevents tailgating by allowing only one person at a real time access through mantrap, transfer gates and airlock.
M1 People Counter
‧The M1 version of the People Counter, with its sturdy IP40-rated housing and integrated anti-tamper protection, is an ideal solution for security applications. The People Counter is a available in different fields of view depending on the required mounting height.
M2 People Counter
‧The M2 version of the People Counter has an IP30-rated core housing and is an ideal solution for building automation or retail applications.
M2 Volumetric Object Surveillor
‧The Volumetric Object Surveillor monitors the volumn around an object and triggers an alarm if intrusion occurs.


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